I see the pollen already, it's on my car. That's usually the first sign. Sometimes it is that funny feeling in my throat, sinus pressure or congestion, or post-nasal drip. Spring has Sprung!
How does acupuncture help with seasonal allergies? First of all, it can help with your general constitution. That means that it helps regulate your body systems and energy within the Chinese meridians. It helps to regulate your immune system, strengthens your lungs. It definitely helps with most allergy symptoms including but not limited to: Sinus congestion and sinus pressure, cough, phlegm production, and sinus headaches!
Phlegm as we know it created by the body to expel the pollen/allergens. The phlegm creates blockages in our sinuses, nasal passages, and lungs. Acupuncture helps by diminishing the production, calms the immune system down. It helps the body process this phlegm, which is overproduced. It is broken down by the body so you can excrete it.
Does this kind of treatment hurt? No way! The pins are super fine and tiny. Many clients describe almost immediate relief, especially from their congestion.
It helps to come in for treatment BEFORE your symptoms are FULL-BLOWN, but no worries, just come in and get treated in order to feel better!
Kathy Martin
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