So many people come in with inflammation.
What exactly are signs of inflammation? Musculoskeletal pain, joint pain, joint swelling, swelling of hands and feet; bloating, heartburn, dizziness; headaches, insomnia. The body is trying to tell you something here! Much like the engine light that comes on in your car. When the light comes on, most people want to find out why it has come on. Why wouldn’t you find out why you are feeling these symptoms?
Traditional Chinese Medicine views inflammation as “a manifestation of disharmony within the body.”Inflammation is considered the body’s natural response to infection, injury, or disharmony. It has true purpose in the body, as it triggers the immune system to initiate healing processes. When we experience inflammation, it typically will lead to a return to normalcy (homeostasis).
Inflammation manifests itself by producing symptoms of redness, swelling, aching, and a sensation of heat.
Sometimes, the immune system fails to switch off, resulting in overreactions like allergies or asthma attacks. Now we are also seeing autoimmune diseases like crazy. Some folks report feeling achy and tired all the time, or say they have “fibromyalgia”. Chronic inflammation may contribute to illnesses such as arthritis, asthma, Crohn’s disease, irritable bowel syndrome, and more. It can reduce the capacity of the immune system leading to repeated illnesses and infection.
Acupuncture helps restore harmony. Placement of tiny needles moves energy and blood which may have become stuck in response to the inflammation. This increased flow stimulates healing and a reduction in pain and other inflammatory symptoms. The body feels less pain, more energy, clarity and an overall improved feeling of wellness! There is research to prove it, too.
Acupuncture has been around for thousands of years! If you haven’t tried acupuncture yet, you definitely should experience it. There is little pain felt from these super-thin (less than the size of a hair) needles. It can definitely help with so many inflammatory issues.
Kathy Martin
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